Banned Books Week 2013

Banned Books week September 22-28, 2013


I did a huge long blog last year on Banned Books Week so I’m not going to do that again this year, if you like – and I suggest you do- go read it. I’m a huge fan of BBW because I hate the banning of books. I think it’s stupid and pointless.

In honor of Banned Books Week I am reading only books on the banned books list this week. I am doing a recently banned book, a frequently banned classic, a top 10 book from the decade 2000-2009, and a top 10 banned book from 1990-1999.

1. Looking For Alaska by John Green (Banned 2012)

2. 1984 by George Orwell (Frequently Challenged Classic)

3. The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier (#3, 2000-2009)

4. Bridge to Tarabithia by Katherine Paterson (#8, 1990-1999)

I’ve already finished Looking For Alaska and am about halfway through 1984.

I chose Looking For Alaska because I wanted to read it again even though I had just read it about a month ago. I think 1984 kind of speaks for itself since it is about the government having complete control. I chose the Chocolate War because I haven’t read it before and it pops up on the banned books list often. I chose Bridge to Tarabithia because it is one of my favorite children’s books. 

What are you doing for banned books week?

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